Vayalada - View point

When it comes to hill tops and view points, Kerala offers plenty. Most of them are already well known and laden with tourists. So we set out on a quest to find some less explored areas around our own city, Kozhikode.... Which led us to Vyalada. The ride took us along scenic serpentine mountain roads until a point were the road culminated abruptly. We sought help for our further journey from a nearby shop. The owner pointed us the way and invited us for a dish of local tapioca ( kappa) on our way back. We promised to pay him a visit as the aroma was too irresistible. The short walk along unpaved roads led us to the areas of dense vegetation with lush green grass standing tall on both sides. The climb uphill was moderate. It took us about 30 mins to reach the plateau. The view, as imagined, was spectacular. The area oversees the Kakkayam catchment area and dam. The looming rain clouds with the fairy mist, gave us peeks of the beauty hidden behind them. We spe...